It seems the Mega Troll that has made himself unwelcome in many a hacker/security forums has been seen trolling on! As we've been discussing in our own sites and as you can see comments in recent blogs here and on SJ's blogger; the losing loser Lyecdevf is under this psychochotic delusion that he took someone down. But who? We wondered and came to the usual conclusion of the fact he's nothing but a big blowhard bigmouth who spouts delusional rants when faced with the fact that we know he's a big blowhard bigmouth with no brain in his head! Oh and look, wow, he posted someone's screen reso! Yep that must mean he's a hacker! (Assorted rolled eyes throughout the arena) and I guess he thinks that he can DoS an IP. Gee nothing happened to our set up. We were waiting for it. As usual just like his last PM in EH proclaimed and the REAL conversation that took place, as he himself said "Ha ha you think I'm a hacker? Now I'm gonna troll you/snitch on you/blah blah blah" and all that crap he sent after we discovered he was nothing but a pushy troll who can't mount anything and creates useless topics and threads in forums.
People see what a two-faced punk loser he is, you know. He talks shit and even talks shit about governments and FBI and what all and then he turns right around and starts screaming "illegal" to the nearest person within range. Anyone else wanna see this Lyecdevf fucker in a real game of Hunt'em Down? God he'd be the biggest pussy with the smallest pair there!
We know he's still and will forever be obsessed with me and never leave me alone, but now he thinks because he posted someone's screen resolution that he somehow hacked them! OMG how retarded can he be? Apparently so retarded that he thinks he "defeated" some poor soul! Really? I wonder how he defeated someone with his retarded posts? He defeated some poor little hamsters because throwing them and shouting at them knowing they won't shout back is better for his ego than doing anything that will get him punched in the face for real.
The folks that he keeps referring to as a "troll" are the ones who got trolled, when they fed him to the fires of his own wrath, you see how he is still on the warpath and will never leave EH or any of its members alone! Being as how that he's the one who went and trolled EliteHackers with his whining and posting what he did in an effort to be thought of as some "cyber police" when in fact he's just a common rat fink, and that he totally told his own little version of events!
Lyecdevf shouts about being some bad ass criminal and yet he immediately goes into some little emo girl personality that has such a disbelief that anyone would dare ask him to hack something just to prove that he was what he claimed he was! Hackthissite is open for anyone to try and he still can't hack it! LOL! Lyecdevf was NOT what he claimed he was. Not by the longest shot. And his fruitless efforts to hack us by hanging out with Twitter junkies is also another LULZ documenting his further failures. Not to mention his failures with Hack In The Box where they told him straight up what an idiot he is. He also talks with himself/herself/itself!
He can't hack the "Hack This Site" site, nor anything he claimed to hack, and his edits are so pathetic and obviously the work of someone wanting to frame someone he hates (who the fuck, I have no clue) but he couldn't hack shit and he decided to post a big public bitch fest about it! He rages on to this day. He should introduce his blogger as something like "How dare anyone question my hack skills or else I'll troll you, whine about you and try to embarass you because you know I'm no hacker and I will bitch about you for the rest of my life that I have nothing to speak of!"
Really he just embarasses himself. All his whining and stupidity is still out there for everyone to see.
So Lyecdevf is still claiming to hack, and thinking he took someone down! Another Darw1n Aw4rd for that creepy skinhead. If you don't really hack someone, don't be announcing that you did! What a stupid fucking moron! Lyecdevf wins the recent Darw1n Aw4rd in hackerdom! His stupidity knows no bounds!
Oh and he thinks that trolling around on twitter with other "hackers" is gonna help him and his cause somehow! They told him off on other forums, banned him from several others but he still can't seem to actually get even the smallest grain of intelligence in his clammy head! Funny he isn't bitching about his former YouTube channel that they removed and all he's got now is some replacement account that bashes some pop singers.
Be informed folks! Lyecdevf = Troll.
And for further reading...
Seems little Lyecdevf (lyechead) is trying to pull a fast one here:
Okay we know he's been using the internet for suspicious activities but is really worried that he'll be caught so what does he do?
BLAME it on others!
More stupidity from an obvious newbie at computers:
How about just turning off the poor computer, you dumbass!