There's a spammer who trolls hacking forums and causes lots of trouble in many of them. His handle is lyecdevf (i.e. a spamming troll) His real name can be seen on his twitter, myspace and other public sites and that is Sebastian DeGeneres although this could be a fake name. Watch out for lyecdevf! He is an internet junkie who lives to cause grief for unsuspecting netizens, he is a parasite.
In 2008 he trolled a female member of EliteHackers and wanted her to believe that he was a hacker. She politely asked him if he could hack but she was calling his bluff as he continued to get info from her that she wouldn't hand over. She would not give her phone number or any other info and the REAL ending of his communications with her was this;
cy837ron wrote:
Haha you think I'm a hacker? Well now I'm gonna post all your private messages and edit them how I like and post this all on the main forums!
That's the REAL ending of that conversation, not the one Sebastian DeGeneres implies! He's a vicious, cruel, sadistic motherfucker. Make no mistake. On one of his sites he says "treat my site like you would a shrine" and yet he treats other people's sites like an alley, pissing in them and acting like a total freaking psychopath who demands answers right away and demands all the members' attention.
Needless to say, EliteHackers removed his trolling thread and gave him a warning. He then became irrate, acting out at admins and demanding they shut down the site because they wouldn't allow him to ABUSE one of their other members, which is what he wanted to do when he joined! He's always been abusive towards other members and has always had a problem with anyone who could see through him and who knew he was an idiot. So he got his thread removed, but he just couldn't stop obsessing over the female member he attacked. So he posted it on his 110MB site.
Don't be like this loser:
He got his whole account suspended. Someone reported just one entry he made wherein he reposted what EliteHackers removed. The rest of his site was left untouched, it was just his one post where he was violating the terms by posting private information. Then he got lippy with those admins and began trying to threaten them and posted even more violating content and death threats. They removed his site LOL! Good on them! So now little loser lyecdevf is still so butt-hurt over being warned, removed and banned for his horrible behaviour that he created another blog. So now we have this blog. Gotta fight the trolls out there and lyecdevf is definitely a TROLL!
On his MySpace profile he says; I am a hacker, I'm not your friend, I'm your enemy!
Very childish, revealing, stupid and lacking of any intelligence. When he isn't into his "cyber nightmare" which is his so-called occupation that a five-year-old would think up, he uses his time writing about how he feels good and the life is something he likes to live and other pink fluffy prancing stuff like that in contrast to his wanting death and destruction upon the human race. I guess he feels the world owes him or something, like all the ignorant idiots that infest society and leetch off of it.
A fine gentleman by the name of Adam Jalindo had it right. He posted on
and said this; hey dude you are misguided and i dont break the law... cyber nightmare my ass... you are a fucking pussy acting and talking big when all you have is nothing
Thank you Adam!
Here is some examples of his whiny ass drama, posted by lyecdevf and replies from several other sources;
I posted this some time ago on my website and the administrator of 110MB took it down saying that there were complaints and warned me no to put it up again.
>then the idiot put it up again and was booted like the idiot he is
Well lets see if the boys at elitehackers can pull this off again on my blog.
>Nope. Just an alert administrator and a damn fine one for spotting retards like lyecdevf
Elitehackers where one of the first hacker community that I registered with and I did not yet use my lyecedevf handle but besides that I did not want to link my self to the elitehacker community.
>Yet he links it all the time by mentioning it in every damned post or blog he gets his gnarled claws on
I never much liked elitehackers.
>Yeah boo hoo! They really couldn't give a flying fuck
Especially after sunjester left it just kind of turned into a graveyard.
>LOL Sebastian is one delusional trolling retard
They were never of any use to me at all.
>Oh cry me a river! Listen to yourself! Your ego must be the size of Jupiter! I can assure you, you little crusty cuntface that you were of NO use to them! People don't like narcisistic parasites like yourself!
Actually after some time I tried to log into my account and it said that I was banned but no reason was given.
>Why explain to a complete fuckwit how his behaviour was horrid, his malice was severe and his trolling revealed what a disturbed little psychopath he is, it would be a waste of time to give a list of reasons to someone like there ya go.
I worked really hard on that board
>because he looks at his trolling and wasting people's time as "work" folks! He also thinks that abusing the female members made him look big bad and mean! What a bully!
and even got some thing over 600 posts
>600 irrelevant, stupid, trollish and inane posts!
but never was my effort in any way appreciated in fact I do not think that it was even acknowledged.
To them I did not even exist.
>Is this troll for real? Does this asshole know how stupid he is, 'cuz really! This idiot has never had that little thing called "discipline" and he's in severe need of a good old fashioned ass-whuppin' from his mama.
So if they hate this post than this must be a gift from heaven.
>And here folks is WHY this creature is called eTard of the Decade! Heaven? A moronic, immature junkie with no life finds "heaven" in being able to show what a fucking imbecile he is?! Not only that, but an obsessive creep who's been stalking! He's probably in jail right now taking it up the ass. Sebastian is such a pussy wailing spastic junkie.
So if lyecdevf hates this post, well this must be KARMA! Eat it bitch!
Glad this is finally getting put up. We need a blog for the corresponding Troll site that features lyecdevf!
ReplyDeleteI mean this lyecdevf tries to tell someone he can hack for them. Then when he realizes that he's a phony, he attacks them. No call for it, all he had to do was say that he wasn't a hacker. That's all he had to do, but chose to attack and then go out of his way to continually beat up the person who asked!
What is THAT? It's like you can see him abusing a little animal coming up to him and he whacks that poor thing across the yard and instead of just letting it be, he gets up and GOES OUT OF HIS WAY to beat and try to kill the poor animal. So he gloats about the poor thing's "failure" at making him stop his cruel actions.
That's what lyecdevf is all about!
Why couldn't he just leave people alone? So what that people knew he was all mouth and no brains? So what? Nobody was posting his personal stuff (until he took upon himself and made his bed now he can lie in it) but he wanted to prove something! Wow. The only thing he has proven is what a complete moron he is! Why is he so determined to try to rub someone's "failure" in their face? Is he THAT insecure that he has to beat down somebody in order to feel better about himself? I shudder to think him having neighbors and anyone nearby who might have children and pets. Bids on him doing 15 long by the time he's 30. He's nothin' but a punk! Young, dumb and full of seething piss. I know I'm not the only one wishing he would just drop dead and never plague anyone ever again.
Entry for the Hacker's Hall of Shame (this includes dumbasses who tried to pass themselves off as hackers)
Lyecdevf the Emo fluff whimpy pussy who wanted so much to be a big bad meanie so he posted someone's PMs as a lame claim to fame. What a lame thing to do. Especially since it wasn't even worthy of interest just his obsession over a girl who called his bluff once and realized he was a fake and for more than two years he never stopped thinking up ways to get her attention since everyone in the hacker community has laughed him out of their forums for being such a troll who wants to hack women's accounts. Why, who knows? He probably has voodoo dolls buried in his backyard as it would seem he can't even get an actual living breathing female to step foot through his trailer door.