Saturday, January 29, 2011

Lyecdevf ADMITTING his guilt AND failures! Too funny!

The troll finally posts his emails to people asking them to post his stupid blogs for him and he was turned down even by Rat! Too goddamn funny!

Lyecdevf unwittingly admits that he cannot be reasoned with as he shows how someone tried to diplomatically explain to him to act reasonably and remove offensive blogs and as everyone can see, lyecdevf did NOT listen and continued to try to get Rat to post his drama! Rat would not do it because he knows what a troll Lyecdevf is! And of course we all know how DESPERATE Lyecdevf is!

Is this his way to force us to remove reports against him? OMG! Lyecdevf is made of EPIC FAIL! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!

Whether or not Rat was aksed by members to report anything is a non-issue. The reports against him stay up and this antilyecdevf blog will stay up. And the will stay, the other site will remain as well. Why? Because this is what lyecdevf asked for! If he didn't want this, why did he go out of his way to keep people pissed off and to drive them further to the fact that lyecdevf can't be talked to, reasoned with or any of that?

This BLOGGER STAYS and no matter how much lye complains about it, trying to intimidate me and EH members, it just makes us more determined. Like Rat tried to point out but lyecdevf would NOT listen, is that he's accomplishing NOTHING with his stupid retarded spiel. Clearly lyecdevf wants to harass and bully people. But he can't stand it when he's having his ass handed to him!

This is what lyecdevf wanted and NO MATTER how much he uses his blog to bitch, moan, whine, strain and have a total breakdown on, it's not going to work. The only way any of the stuff he wants removed will be removed is if he grows up, leaves me (and the other members of EH alone), shut the fuck up and stop harassing me and other people and going to other people about me! If he literally fucking stops, this would all go away. But he won't stop. He thinks he's going to win. What, I don't know. But he's obviously delusional, deranged and fucked in the head.

Instead of doing what was requested of him by SEVERAL people, who have tried to be polite and helpful, he went and spazzed out, flipped out and proceeded to drag his drama anywhere he could. Lyecdevf is a blubbering bitch.

All in an attempt to get our content removed. Nice try, little whiny troll, but no dice!

If he didn't want this, why is he determined to keep being a total fuckwit? Why does he continue? I said we would fight him on all grounds, and I meant it! Life really sucks for Lyecdevf. The troll who has no clue, the troll who thinks posting people's private emails is somehow giving him status. I'm sure Rat is laughing his ass off right about now.

By the way, the site that the screaming fit-thrower Lye refers to is SoldierX. Thanks. I know some peeps there. And Rat's actually helped me on some other issues before all this stupid lyecdevf troll shit.

In one of Lyecdevf's letters he even stated that he posted that crap for a laugh. (so much for his whole drama about posting stuff because HE was so hurt and offended that someone called his little bluff) X-D

He also asked Rat (and others) to hand over their private emails, but they weren't stupid because they knew he'd post anything and everything. They knew exactly what he was up to! So what does he do? He posts Rat's private emails! Wow. How lame. Got nothing so he's posting screenshots of the reports against him, a nice picture of this blog (thanks for the free promo) and Rat's pms! Oh and threatens to be amassing an army of friends to post his blogs for him! Where's his archive of EH he claims to have? Where's that? Come on let's see it, asshole!

Hear the ROARS of laughter? That's all of us laughing at Lyecdevf!

So people, never communicate with Lyecdevf! He is a punk and a pathetic troll who will post and TWIST your own content and use it to HARASS you with!

Let this blogger stand as EVIDENCE against the eTard Lyecdevf! The more he talks the more he hangs himself! I think I've proven to EVERYONE that lyecdevf is desperate, and will attack anyone who comes across his path as he had done to me two years ago, and his attacks to me were UNPROVOKED!

Lyecdevf posts people's stuff! As a matter of fact his blogs all seem to be nothing but leetching off of others. Lyecdevf is a parasite!

But he is so pathetic that I can't help but laugh at him. Munching popcorn. Can't wait for the next episode of "Lyecdevf the Mega Moaning Troll!" Next episode will be pretty much the same as all his episodes; Lyecdevf makes another desperate attempt to intimidate, post people's screens, their emails, pms, and edit them how he likes it to sound while trying to keep his big bad bully image!

Lyecdevf's Whining & Lies Continue!

The loser and his crackpipe! He's spray-painting his computer again! Um, what I'd like to know is...WHO CARES? The joke was lost on him because as always he's an idiot.

Now onto his lies. The crybaby is really pissed I'm fighting his bullying and his scare tactics but we are not going to remove this blog no matter how many times he threatens to get his "friends" to help him bully me. Adam already turned him down. And anyone else has pretty much laughed in his face. As it should be.

Another lie and twisting of the truth he likes to hear himself ramble on about;

It is exactly why I intend to keep the, "offensive post" on this blog and this is how it has been since day one.  Had she acted in civil manner at least at one point during this whole saga I would have turned an ear to her complaints but I can not do that.

Can anyone, anyone at all, PLEASE by ALL means, show me WHERE in his little drama where I talked to him other than civil? Anyone? Didn't think so!

Lyecdevf is so hung up on his acting like a total loser and jackass that he hasn't even read the content of the letters and he totally left off the REAL ending of that whole thing which was, AND I QUOTE him EXACTLY;

Haha you think I'm a hacker! Thank for all the info you gave me now I'm going to post it all to the forum and let them flame you! Fuck you bitch! I wanted to have something to post for my hacking skills!

Wow. Totally uncalled for, a vicious little fucker who's obviously a sociopath. Look at that! Not only was it that he literally attacked me out of the blue, with no provacation (albeit I was calling his bluff but in a POLITE way - and again, show me where I'm being uncivil, I dare ya!) he literally went bezerk and started this whole war with me! He is a liar, he is vicious, he is NOT what he says he is and his attaitude has been beyond insane and flippant. He wanted to assail someone, anyone, on EH because he felt ignored. As trolls should be. He was not there to learn, he was there to brag about his so-called skills which he does NOT have and when he realized that the truth was coming out, he attacked.

There was never any intention on my part to expose him to the moderators, but after what he did, I had no choice. All he would have had to do was say, I not a hacker and no I don't really have those skills that I claim to have.

Another letter he wrote to me, that he conveniently left out of his blog;

I have broken into so many accounts that I can't even remember how many i've done. I use diffe rent computers to download brute force progs and then I use them to get passwords, credit card numbers and other data.

Oh and look ANOTHER one that's somehow left out of his bunch of bullshit blog;

I once got into this one girl's account and changed all her info and uploaded photos of her to other people's accounts and then locked her out of her own account. I can do this very well.

As you can see folks, lyecdevf is really a predator who talks big shit and wants to break the law but just doesn't have the skills to really do the shit he boasts about.

All of that he totally left out of his little post. The real "offense" is what he did. If he had told the truth things would be different, but liars like lyecdevf are what they are.

We're still waiting for him to deliver on his other threats. We're still laughing at his continous bullying and his retarded blogs. In the meantime, he's still crying about being banned from EH and all the other forums he's been banned from and laughed out of.

Anyway, he's the one who's uncivil, downright nasty and there is no reasoning with him. This blogger stays. His little stupid username will be known for what he's done. He wanted this. If he didn't, he wouldn't have pushed it and acted with reason. But he cannot. He's simply not capable of reason, rational thought or human decency. There is just something really wrong with him.

EH banned him for many reasons but one of the most disgusting violations he's guilty of was trying to chat up a 16 year old member in IRC. I'm amazed lyecdevf isn't in jail now! But he's bound for there anyway. Pretty sure he was banned from this site and I may join it and found out why!

Lyecdevf = a pathetic bitch and retard-extraondinaire.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Lyecdevf Whines and Blubbers Even More!

Let's examine the mind of a psycho who is incapable of reasoning and obviously doesn't realize how fucked in the head he sounds, shall we?

Waaa Waaa reporting me to the blogger staff that I have posted here private stuff. I mean she offered me those e-mails and IP as a request to hack some one but now they some how became her, "private details."

Is he really THAT spazzed out that he can't remember that all of this took place in a PRIVATE conversation? Not out on some public board! That he kept asking for private details and that he instructed what private details to send to him? Just because someone's playing the part of a helpless female doesn't mean that's actually the case. We knew he'd do that. But it's still private details so we can report it as such. Reporting him to Blogger was the appropriate thing to do! Reporting him to EH admins was appropriate although it wasn't necessary as our esteemed dbones quickly put Lyecdevf to shame as well as the regulars who told him to his face that he was a fucking idiot, and reporting him to 110MB was called for, too. All of it was justified! Also let's note that he still thinks he's a hacker and that private details were given because we all knew he was full of shit but we were waiting to see of anything actually happened. Nothing did. He was full of shit just like we all knew.

In essence what he's really saying is this;

I want to tell people I'm a hacker! I hack 4 U! Oh you really ask? Oh no! OH NOES! Well now I'm gonna post your emails and all that on public boards because you ask me to hack! Nevermind that I'm the one misleading you but I'm SO offended and hurt that you DARED ask ME to hack for U! Oh U gonna get it now! I'm big and I'm bad, and I'm a hacker but I'm gonna scream because you thought I was a hacker! Nevermind that! I'll post your stuff for years on end because that is how greatly I have been offended! Let me cry to my blog now about how mean you are while you sit on all the nasty pms I sent out. Where's my crackpipe?

I think that puts it nicely how he is.

Face it Lye the Lame, you were HAD! Deal with it!

Waaa Waaa Unless she was requesting that I actually hack her other wise she is lying. I suppose she has been lying from day one.

Just like he lied from day one! Lye was planning on attacking from day one, like he was planning on using anything he could to post flaming hateful posts against anyone, and the fact it's a female he couldn't resist. We are seen as lowlifes by him anyway. The way he treated Ushi was just as deplorable. The psycho really hates women because he just can't get them! So he makes up for it by attacking and harassing them online.

What upset me even more was that she kept editing that abuse report.


He was UPSET that some people EDITED (or that is to say, ADDED) to their reports against him for further updates (which by the way puts it back further in the queue and takes longer to get to, but they didn't know that apparently) and he's REALLY UPSET FOLKS! OMG! He's REALLY having a cow over it! Maybe he should fling himself off a bridge over it! Walk out in front of an oncoming train ya little piece of shit. That being upset over such little things that he brought to the arena himself is so tedious. But really thanks for the laughs! And the screenshots saved me the time to do it myself! Would you like to see the WHOLE thread including the whiny posts by someone calling himself Lyecdevf? HA HA!

Waa Waa blurber blub blub! You can see her commenting on my decision to remove the yahoo accounts and the IP address. That is why I took pics of this because tomorow she may just erase the whole thing all together and this would remain the only evidence of her harassment of me. Sniff sniff! I can't believe it! Oh the horror that a female got me back for what I did to her! Waa Waa!!!

It's SO hilarious that he keeps saying those public reports are from me! Wow! I must be sleep-typing or something! I think our little friend Morph has been having some fun! Lyecdevf must believe it's all me in order to post blogs anymore! So I guess he's already built up his little fantasy world in his mother's basement. How special. Holding his little teddy bear and looking like a serial killer.

She keeps mentioning EH and all these friends of hers. I mean the EH board does not exist any more.

Oh yeah because everyone just didn't have each other's contact info outside of EH, right? Like we don't talk and keep in touch, right?

FACT: EH moved, got rid of the old site, changed its title and got rid of the riff raff (namely lyecdevf and it's just KILLING him!) but according to the idiot, that automatically must mean we all lost contact with friends and such. Just because we didn't want him around doesn't mean we're not all happily posting on our new site. What a fucking joke this asshole is! What a fucking joke, indeed!

Hey but remember he's "supposedly" having himself a laugh over any of this, but with his continuing blogs and constant temper tantrums, it's safe to say that he's having a meltdown. A very long, painful, straining, hyper panic attack nervous breakdown.

I do my job well.

When you fuck with me, that's pretty much what you can expect. We Japanese-Americans are a whole different breed. We're the REAL ninjas! Eat shit and die Lye!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Lyecdevf is the epitome of Pathetic Troll

The wannabe hacker sure thinks I don't have friends who stick up for me and who look out for me. He's broken the law several times but he still insists on acting like a retard on the net claiming he's so innocent, well in the regard of any real hacking he hasn't broken the law in that respect because he's NOT a hacker. He calls himself one all over the place, but what he really is, is a fraud who breaks the law in other areas, like stalking, harassment and trying to chat up minors in IRC. My blog obviously bothers him or he wouldn't spend so much time here. Those hits he got were people all over EH laughing at him and he has disclosed private info from EH site and believe they are still working on getting his ass good.

Several people have asked him politely to remove his shit, but everytime they did, they were met with scathing vicious attacks. Lyecdevf in private is like some screaming punk who talks shit out his ass and his "public" talking is so whiny and blathering on about how people just "won't leave him alone" while of course he wants to continue harassing them! Tin Man stopped paying any attention to him and now Lye's feelings are hurt. Oh how special!

It's funny how he keeps trying to get site admins and others to show him the IP and emails of private conversations! That's ALL he's got people! He posts people's PMs because he CANNOT hack anything so he uses info that he ASKS people for! He thought he'd become popular in EH by doing that shit. They told him what an imbecile he is. He tried it again on 110MB and got his ass handed to him. Now he's got all these delusional paranoid stories he's posting and people are still laughing at him!

He changed his blog profile to try to cover up his actions and his lame crap, location and all that because someone called the police about his harassment. Go figure that he thinks I reported him on some help forum. My friend SunJ did, and some other person but I reported him to higher ups. I don't bother with help forums. But let him think he's so big bad ass. If anyone's interested in what his profile looked like prior to his panic-attack and changing his little "cyber nightmare" lame spiel, here it is;

Some other items of interest;

Disilussioned? What kind of spelling is THAT? What the troll means to say is that he's DELUSIONAL!

Anyway as you can see, Adam was approached by the troll to post personal info of others and to try to hack into my friend's computer.

Adam responded as he saw fit. Lyecdevf tried to get Adam to be a part of his "cyber nighmare" and because Adam wouldn't do Lye's bidding, Adam gets called "unruly"! It looks like Lye's threat to "get all his friends" to post his dumb retarded blog fell flat on its face. Though he's still trying to pass along that threat. And we'll be ready to report it.

Trolls. They're such big talk and yet they have nothing. Adam, I appreciate you and those like you to see through an asshole like Lyecdevf.

His blog about hijacking accounts (which isn't hacking, it's lame-o script-kiddie crap)
More wannabe-hacker from Lyecdevf (he thinks he's a hacker)

Lyecdevf talks such big shit, he's your enemy on the net who keeps calling himself a hacker/hax0r/h4x0r. I guess some people just never grow up. He probably spray-paints his computer.
As always, his grammar and spelling is atrocous. Does he mean "then"? He always seems so suicidal. Wish he'd make up his mind and stop acting like a bully online then crying when he gets his shit put back in his face.

This is his "hax0r" profile. Why is it so gay? Where's his quote "Yeah I do drugs"?

He went to "h4x0r" school, his company is "h4x0r t34m", his job is non-existent (living in his mother's basement) and his interests among other things is "knife throwing"! This nut sounds like another violent troll we know about. But really, what is he, like 12 years old? Or is it just that he likes 12 year olds?

When he isn't "hacking" which of course to him means posting other people's info and trolling them and then being an emo kid on his blogs, he's "verbally assaulting" and being "agresive" (this punk really needs to learn how to spell!)

A polite lesson in spelling folks...
The word is "nevertheless", "itself", "aggressive" and the list goes on.

Don't write like Lyecdevf whose username itself should show how bad he is with language. Oh and apparently he does spray-paint his computer. There just weren't any poor defenseless critters around for him to torture so he did the next best thing.

Apparently I work for the police! EH has been compromised by me! ;)

Friday, January 21, 2011

Lyecdevf's Failures

It seems our little troll who spams forums much has now tried to get someone to listen to his whiny shit. They didn't care. LOL! Several people from EH have already been in touch with the forums he claims he's posted his driveling snark upon and there's no such posts. Just more big talk from a little man with SMS.

Someone told me that he's really offended that his links are being posted on EH! That's a laugh considering that he sure doesn't mind posting other people's stuff (even if he creates -as he says- most of it or copies it from other forums and puts his own spin on it) and as someone at EH points out, he sure can't spell or use correct grammar to save his life. EH mods have to deal with that all the time but yeah I have to agree, he couldn't seem to form a coherent sentence.

Doing drugs and posting is his forté anyway. You gotta expect that. One of his old threads was really something, check it;

I aske for it too days ago and you havenot answered my post. It's a simple request. - by lyecdevf

>Boy you're really pushy. Goddamn. - by BadBoyThePrince

I see howw many time you visit the board and you have ignord me and have not answered my requests. I'l try IRC. - by lyecdevf

Just an example folks! The EH site's posts are kind of cumbersome but you get the gist. No twisting things around here. We're just presenting what lyecdevf wrote. We can even link right to it if he keeps on. Like the whining he does about EH. It must really suck to be so angry and enraged over something that happened over two years ago that he just has to keep rehashing it. So, I guess we're all here now and we will fight the spamming troll until he can either get a clue, get a grip and stop being such a pathetic bitch or until he's been fried and reduced to using an Atari console to take his rage out upon.

The troll site (featuring the the woman-hating closet homosexual, lyecdevf) is coming along nicely and I hope to soon have the blog linked to it. A funny list of hacker wannabes are also good for a laugh and of course lyecdevf made that list!

We're fairly certain this is him at IMDb:

He talks such shit for someone who put his username representing a black midget LOL!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Loser Lunatic Lyecdevf the Lame

Sunjester updated his report on the spamming troll, lyecdevf. (posted with permission from Sunjester)

An update on the status of this report.
In his own statements concerning the blogs he had up about cracking into other people's accounts, lyecdevf had tried to hijack this thread and informs us that he removed the blogs about his illegal activities and encouraging others to engage in illegal activities, but he says that he removed them because they didn't fit and that he wasn't pressured into it although clearly it was reported in this very thread!

Wasn't pressured?
They just didn't fit?

Yeah there's a nice obvious glaring example of one who's trying to cover his actions. Yeah sure he wasn't pressured, just trying to hide and tell people it just didn't fit. Gimme a break!
(yes we are still laughing at that one over at EH)
However the content of his blogs were saved by one of our moderators at EH and we can provide Blogger/Google with that info should they need it. I'm sure Blogger has it all on record anyway.

As to his "removing private info for now" that still remains on his blog, that should be transparent enough that he fully intends to put up private info again. To those who review abuse reports, please take note of that.

As to his statements that he posted only content belonging to him and didn't copy other people's content.

Either he wrote all that trolling on EH himself and he's the author of ALL that content or he copied other people's content, either way I think we've proven that he is violating rules and probably thinks he's a real man now or something because he can attack a female member of ours. He's too much of a coward to flame me or any of our male members but he sure liked to troll and harass our female membership. I guess putting other people's info up in his blogs fits his blogger and therefore its entire contents being removed would be the only safe way to insure that nobody else's info or content is being plagarized by lyecdevf.

He also removed the photo he had on his profile, and replaced it with a cartoon avatar. He changed his occupation and his location. But we're to believe it just didn't fit, right? Bitch please.

Sunjester brings up some very good points! If lyecdevf is so proud of his blogs, why does he have to fill them up with other people's content? Also a friend has already informed that lyecdevf was claiming he only put up that one blog for "laughs" but whoa! All that complaining and crying and whining he does! He gets reported and starts the temper tantrums and screaming!

Our impression of Lyecdevf the spamming troll:
WAAA WAAA she's harassing me! WAAA WAAA I didn't do anything, honest y'all! WAAAA WAAAAAAA! I'm not only going to barge in on the reports against me and cry about it on the Help Forum at Blogger but I'm gonna cry about it some more on my own blog about how I'm soooo mistreated and innocent! WAAA WAAAAAAA!

Sunjester has two photos, but one is definitely of his punk face from MySpace. We're going to do a creative little shot 'em up game and use his photo for "target practice" and we'll put in little sound effects of him. Something along the lines of;
Oh please don't kill me with that big nasty gun! I'm so pretty in pink! I wanna get some private messages_and post them publicly_because I need to show_what a faggot I am!_Don't shoot me_ Oh no! You killed me! I'm gonna have to go cry about that_and post about how you hurt my wittle feelings by sending me a message_I tried to use that against you and you REPORTED ME! How dare! I'm so devastated! I can call you a troll but you can't call me one! WAAAAA! You killed me!

The photo will also be used for other creative endeavors. With enough whup ass force maybe we can teach that little punk that you just don't fuck with people and expect no pay back.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Lyecdevf on EliteHackers

Check back soon, there's going to be a whole lot of his crazy trolling and hostility shown here. We just have to compile it. He thinks of himself as some scary nightmare to everyone but he cries so much and complains so much on any given thread, help forum, etc. that it's laughable how pink and thin-skinned this fuckwit is!

Note: Since he thinks it's funny to post other people's private stuff, we sure have no problem posting his! Special thanks to TinMan, Sunjester, Bones, and others for their cooperation. ;)

Lyecdevf is a Whiny Bitch

I have some snippets from some messages that the TROLL lyecdevf has sent.

"You really fucked up now, I'm gonna get all my friends to post my blog on all their sites"
"You just wait bitch"
"You think I'm a hacker?"
"One day I hope to be a shark in these cyber waters"
"Cyber Nightmare"

These are just some of the "I'm such a big tough thug, Ima beat you up" shit he's sent but you know what so friggin' hilarious? He WHINES like a little girl when he's reported, or when anything negative is said about him!

Check out his whiny ass shit here;

Note that he has his location as being Sweden, but on his retarded Blogger, he's from some other counrty (this he changed of course, because he realized he put his REAL location when he made his whiny blog) and just see how all-over-the-place he is! He can't seem to be truthful if his life depended on it! But he sure has no life other than to terrorize others with his constant trolling and stalking of them!

What his MO is, is to attack people, post about them and slander them but OH NOES if someone actually fights back and reports him or insults him. It's like he lives in his little delusional world that it's only okay if he attacks people but they can't do anything.

As Adam has stated so wisely, lyecdevf is MISGUIDED and all full of big-talkin' shit but has nothing! Lyecdevf even tried to claim someone tried to break into his MySpace account! This coming from a retard who has posted and gloated about breaking into other people's accounts, has posted about being a hacker and wanting to be a "shark" i.e. predator. That's what lyecdevf online PREDATOR who has SUCH a hissy fit if someone puts all his shit right back in his fat face!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

He Spammed Random People

Looks like our little bully troll Lyecdevf has been doing his usual COWARD CRAP again. It seems as though he thinks he's some internet tough guy by saying things like "Oh you really fucked up now" and "I'm gonna get my friends to spread my blog"! Is that what he's got? Is that his answer to people trying to reason with him? He can't deliver on any of his threats but must like to show what a complete ASS he is! YES folks he really did try to go out and ask people to re-post his blog! LMFAO!

Really this guy is worse than a tyrant like Saddam Hussein, goddamn even Hitler had more restraint. But since Lyecdevf is such a poser and a fraud, he can only talk shit and pop off such angry little bursts (when he's not crying about not having his ass kissed by some community) that in real life would get him beat up so bad he'd be in the hospital with a slim chance of survival. So he thinks he's gonna get all his "friends" to help him abuse an innocent person that he targeted and trolled.

LOL @ lyecdevf because he has no friends and his MySpace friends list is all of SIX people! Wow, a lot of friends there, sperm-gulper! Six random people that he probably added out of the blue and probably doesn't even know them! It was so funny today what Adam commented though! Yeah, where are all your friends, lyecdevf? Your threats are so yawn-inducing. Not only that he tried to ask Adam to break the law for him ALL because he just can't admit that he's a whinin' idiot who had his ass handed to him by EliteHackers!

Lyecdevf just can't take responsibility for his own actions! He is the epitome of a sociopath.

Let's face it, folks, lyecdevf couldn't get random people to re-post his crap for him so all he's stuck with is a blog that anyone who sees it, points and laughs at his screams for attention. Lyecdevf is such a coward that he hid his "report abuse" link in the blogger dashboard, because he knows he's violating the terms. I got such news for the little trolling bully online tough guy, people can still report his abuse.

Coming up next; some of lyecdevf's posts and private messages from various hacker sites. Man, I tell you, you'll laugh so hard and yet feel disgusted that someone like that shares the same planet we do!

In the meantime, here are some of his other gay handles;
Cyber Idi Amin

Some of his sites;

Well, well, well, he takes drugs! He likes to talk to little boys! But mainly his sites are dead and he spends his time acting like an imbecile in hacking forums trying to unleash his pent up rage on unsuspecting people.

The Lyecdevf Saga

There's a spammer who trolls hacking forums and causes lots of trouble in many of them. His handle is lyecdevf (i.e. a spamming troll) His real name can be seen on his twitter, myspace and other public sites and that is Sebastian DeGeneres although this could be a fake name. Watch out for lyecdevf! He is an internet junkie who lives to cause grief for unsuspecting netizens, he is a parasite.

In 2008 he trolled a female member of EliteHackers and wanted her to believe that he was a hacker. She politely asked him if he could hack but she was calling his bluff as he continued to get info from her that she wouldn't hand over. She would not give her phone number or any other info and the REAL ending of his communications with her was this;

cy837ron wrote:

Haha you think I'm a hacker? Well now I'm gonna post all your private messages and edit them how I like and post this all on the main forums!

That's the REAL ending of that conversation, not the one Sebastian DeGeneres implies! He's a vicious, cruel, sadistic motherfucker. Make no mistake. On one of his sites he says "treat my site like you would a shrine" and yet he treats other people's sites like an alley, pissing in them and acting like a total freaking psychopath who demands answers right away and demands all the members' attention.

Needless to say, EliteHackers removed his trolling thread and gave him a warning. He then became irrate, acting out at admins and demanding they shut down the site because they wouldn't allow him to ABUSE one of their other members, which is what he wanted to do when he joined! He's always been abusive towards other members and has always had a problem with anyone who could see through him and who knew he was an idiot. So he got his thread removed, but he just couldn't stop obsessing over the female member he attacked. So he posted it on his 110MB site.

Don't be like this loser:

He got his whole account suspended. Someone reported just one entry he made wherein he reposted what EliteHackers removed. The rest of his site was left untouched, it was just his one post where he was violating the terms by posting private information. Then he got lippy with those admins and began trying to threaten them and posted even more violating content and death threats. They removed his site LOL! Good on them! So now little loser lyecdevf is still so butt-hurt over being warned, removed and banned for his horrible behaviour that he created another blog. So now we have this blog. Gotta fight the trolls out there and lyecdevf is definitely a TROLL!

On his MySpace profile he says; I am a hacker, I'm not your friend, I'm your enemy!
Very childish, revealing, stupid and lacking of any intelligence. When he isn't into his "cyber nightmare" which is his so-called occupation that a five-year-old would think up, he uses his time writing about how he feels good and the life is something he likes to live and other pink fluffy prancing stuff like that in contrast to his wanting death and destruction upon the human race. I guess he feels the world owes him or something, like all the ignorant idiots that infest society and leetch off of it.

A fine gentleman by the name of Adam Jalindo had it right. He posted on
and said this; hey dude you are misguided and i dont break the law... cyber nightmare my ass... you are a fucking pussy acting and talking big when all you have is nothing

Thank you Adam!

Here is some examples of his whiny ass drama, posted by lyecdevf and replies from several other sources;

I posted this some time ago on my website and the administrator of 110MB took it down saying that there were complaints and warned me no to put it up again.

>then the idiot put it up again and was booted like the idiot he is

Well lets see if the boys at elitehackers can pull this off again on my blog.

>Nope. Just an alert administrator and a damn fine one for spotting retards like lyecdevf

Elitehackers where one of the first hacker community that I registered with and I did not yet use my lyecedevf handle but besides that I did not want to link my self to the elitehacker community.

>Yet he links it all the time by mentioning it in every damned post or blog he gets his gnarled claws on

I never much liked elitehackers.

>Yeah boo hoo! They really couldn't give a flying fuck

Especially after sunjester left it just kind of turned into a graveyard.

>LOL Sebastian is one delusional trolling retard

They were never of any use to me at all.

>Oh cry me a river! Listen to yourself! Your ego must be the size of Jupiter! I can assure you, you little crusty cuntface that you were of NO use to them! People don't like narcisistic parasites like yourself!

Actually after some time I tried to log into my account and it said that I was banned but no reason was given.

>Why explain to a complete fuckwit how his behaviour was horrid, his malice was severe and his trolling revealed what a disturbed little psychopath he is, it would be a waste of time to give a list of reasons to someone like there ya go.

I worked really hard on that board

>because he looks at his trolling and wasting people's time as "work" folks! He also thinks that abusing the female members made him look big bad and mean! What a bully!

and even got some thing over 600 posts

>600 irrelevant, stupid, trollish and inane posts!

but never was my effort in any way appreciated in fact I do not think that it was even acknowledged.


To them I did not even exist.

>Is this troll for real? Does this asshole know how stupid he is, 'cuz really! This idiot has never had that little thing called "discipline" and he's in severe need of a good old fashioned ass-whuppin' from his mama.

So if they hate this post than this must be a gift from heaven.

>And here folks is WHY this creature is called eTard of the Decade! Heaven? A moronic, immature junkie with no life finds "heaven" in being able to show what a fucking imbecile he is?! Not only that, but an obsessive creep who's been stalking! He's probably in jail right now taking it up the ass. Sebastian is such a pussy wailing spastic junkie.

So if lyecdevf hates this post, well this must be KARMA! Eat it bitch!