Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Lyecdevf is just an angry loser

It looks like the TROLL Lyecdevf (Sebastian) is just too crazy to get a clue. Now he's talking to himself with a sad alternate alias he calls himself katryn o. Apparently he writes gay Beatles porn and claims to be from England, Sweden, India, Disneyland, you name it.

If the troll "Skank O" isn't an alias then it's even more pathetic. A fan club of one. So "Skank O" that's what we call his alternate ID who he talks to himself with.

How laughable he is and what a troll to think anyone's going to do anything outside of laughing at his posts that he pulls right out of his ass! For one, I was never on any stupid Beatles forum. Or any other gay site like it that he trolls around on, and nobody from our forums are on any gay sites like that either. So much for his ASS making sounds again. Not to worry, some funny youtube videos are made of his fat masked face bitching up a storm about being "approached" and other lulz to be had.

I don't know anyone from Canada who goes by "Toast" and wow how made up does that sound? I guess next he'll use another object he sees and claims some retarded scheme in his next post.

For the random passerby's enlightment; The troll talks about me being a member in good standing (which I am) but eludes that I'm somehow not this way in private messgaes; the troll claims I was mean to him in pm's. Can someone please show me WHERE this happens according to his bullshit post? And furthermore it is called "editing" (which he tries to deny) when he omits what he sent to me (which has already been documented here and in other sites) and claims a conversation begins and ends the way he's got his lame story laid out. He approached me with some garbage about Mitt Romney (whom I don't even know), and I let him know up front I was not looking for a date! For godsakes he doesn't know to leave us kids alone! Not to mention all the other embellishments he has in there. But never once does he have me saying anything even remotely offensive to him. Oops, he's going to be going back in and edit some more! He mad bro! It's funny how he took out the link to "hackthissite" and the other challenges mods put to him. He goes around and tries to act like such a bad ass hacker and when one little challenge was put to him, he goes completely ape shit. So ape shit in fact that he still obsesses and pisses himself about me and EH over it. You see his frothing anger years later and it shows no sign of stopping. He's even making threats and trying to act like a gun-toter.

We have shown how he talks to people (as has been posted here already), he threatened moderators and acted like a complete jackass to all other members INCLUDING SunJester! And then became like a complete screaming ASSHAT TROLL when he was banned. Further he seems to think everyone should kiss his ass. He talked to Tinman like an idiot, Tinman didn't even say anything to lyec-head that he didn't already deserve! And I feel Tinman should have said more! Way more.

I'll be showing more of the trolling that Lyec-head does on the internet. Lulzsec wouldn't have anything to do with him. Other hacker teams are laughing at his pathetic "war" he is waging on me and the EH forum and he's still trying to somehow get someone to hack me! I sincerely hope that all those people he's asking will post HIS emails to them and make blogs and bitch about it. Betray him like his spent his entire life online doing unto others.

For the time being, he's stalking kids on hacker forums and IRC chatrooms. He's so unskilled that he can't even be called a skiddie. He's angry. He's a loser. And he claims to have defeated people. Give him his Special Olympics medal and fucking kick him in the head. Maybe that will shut him up, we can hope, can't we?

Seems little Lyecdevf (lyce-head) is trying to pull a fast one here:
http://www.tech-forums.net/pc/f51/concerned-computer-user-203177/ -thread closed
Okay we know he's been using the internet for suspicious activities but is really worried that he'll be caught so what does he do?
BLAME it on others!

More stupidity from an obvious newbie at computers:
http://www.tech-forums.net/pc/f84/keyboard-acting-up-246913/ -thread closed

How about just turning off the poor computer, you dumbass!
http://www.tech-forums.net/pc/f11/need-script-some-thing-199029/ -thread closed
It's not rocket science, you dumbass.
http://www.tech-forums.net/pc/f43/i-can-not-mount-my-usb-device-186298/ -thread closed

And he says he's "ethical" lololol! What does he need multiple ips for anyway? For his fan club of one? His sockpuppets? His trying to get back into forums he's been banned from? lololol!
http://www.tech-forums.net/pc/f44/multiple-ips-216538/ -thread closed

Notice how his threads get closed. Yeah yet another forum who sees him as a pathetic troll.

Here someone named Ted calls the troll out, good for Ted!

Here's more of lyecdevf-the-mad-bro-troll begging for hackers to hack for him! Even they call him a troll! You know they're RIGHT!

Lulzsec has some content on him you should check out. And this is just hilarious...lyce-head makes more delusional claims about his "career" lmao!

And for more documented proof of the troll, he claims he goes around with a team looking for people to hack and claims I was a target for this. The team he has claimed to work with never heard of him. Thanks for the info that just some Random person gave me but yeah he's made those claims in IRC and other places. Lyce-head is NOT with that team and they never heard of him!

Be sure to check out tsktsktrolls on the way!

Thanks for all the previous comments people!